Dear Mr. Romney,
There's a simple reason I can't vote for you in the upcoming Presidential election: you only believe in equality for heterosexuals.
It's sad, that in this day and age, inequality still exists. It's sad that a man who wants to run our country, does not believe in equality for all citizens of the United States of America.
What's even worse is that you don't believe that I, as a gay man, have the right to sit beside my partner in the hospital should he be confined to ICU for some - heaven forbid - life threatening illness. You feel that only heterosexuals should have that privilege as you so in-eloquently put it.
And you want to run our country?
The problem with your allegedly - have to use that word for legal reasons apparently - thinking is: people like you, men in power, shape the beliefs of others. When you - on the chance that a very hot place freezes over and you get elected President - strip away my right to sit at, again, heaven forbid, partner's side in the ICU, to comfort him, perhaps with my presence only, as you would do your wife in a similar situation - you encourage others to do the same. With your act of bullying, for that is what stripping away my right would be, you encourage others to do the same. You encourage people to discriminate against me, against those like me, and yet . . .
. . . you obviously don't have a problem sleeping at night.
You should have a problem sleeping at night. You should be ashamed of even considering stripping away such a right - and it is a right, Mr. Romney, not a privilege!
Love knows no boundaries.
I have been with my partner for 18 years. My love for him is as strong, or most likely stronger, than the love you have for your wife. My love is not diminished by men, or women, like you, that couch their hate with taken out of context text from the Bible. My love is not diminished by the laws that people like you try to pass in order to protect traditional marriage, or at least that's what you tell yourselves to ease your consciences. In fact, all the laws you and like minded individuals pass are nothing more than bullying, a soapbox to stand up and say that because you were born heterosexual, you have more rights than me, or any other members of the GLBT community.
I hate to break the news to you, Mr. Romney, but, you're not superior to me or anybody else on this planet. You're not better than me because you were born heterosexual. Your love for your wife isn't any greater than my love for my partner . . . because you were born heterosexual. You don't deserve anything differently out of this life than I do . . . because you were born heterosexual.
Yes, I know, you believe that because you were born heterosexual you have the right to bully me, to deny me equality, and to - again, on the off chance a very hot place freezes over and you are elected President - strip away my right to sit beside my partner if, heaven forbid, something bad happens to him and he's in the ICU! You believe, deep in your heart, that discrimination against non-heterosexuals is okay, fine and dandy, and all that jazz.
I'm here to tell you that it is not okay, fine and dandy, and all that jazz. It is wrong on so many levels and the fact that you can't see the wrongness, that you believe you are totally right, is another reason I can't vote for you this election.