Monday, August 8, 2011


So, Michelle Bachmann believes that gay marriage is a frivolous matter. So, in a logical line of thinking, if gay marriage is frivolous, than obviously so is equality. Isn't it great that we have someone running for President that doesn't believe in one of the founding principals of this country? Yeah, sarcasm in case you missed it.

Seriously, people, all the GLBT community wants is the same rights heterosexuals want: equality. We want equal treatment under the law.

I want equal treatment under the law.

Michelle Bachmann - and the rest of the GOP hopefuls - aren't out for providing equal treatment under the law to all citizens of the United States. The only people they're concerned with are the narrow-minded individuals out to deny equality to all citizens of the United States.

It is sad to see that these alleged Christians are, well, so allegedly un-Christian like.


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